Here's Petra once again - but this time she's showing us the great legs that are attached to those bare feet in those toe cleavage pumps. I do have to admit I like her as a blonde (photos 3 and 4) more so than I do as a brunette. But then again, maybe it's just the bangs that I don't like. Wait a minute... what the heck am I doing looking above her hemline?
she's askin for it...kiss hugs & footrubs...she's beggin for it...
Would be perfect, but for the tramp stamps
Hank, did you miss the pinky about to bail out with no 'chute?
She looks more natural and kinda Betty Page-ish with dark hair. To each his own, though.
Why do attractive women feel the need to mark their bodies with tattoos? The phrase "tramp stamp" is all I think of when I see one!!!
yeah sid, I had to go back i see it...bending the shoe up to escape
Another horrible tattoo!
Does this lady only own one pair of heels? She wears the same pair in every post.
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