Black leather pants. Not many women can wear these things. Ms. Beckham can. And she should do so more often. Paired with black kid leather pumps, this is a striking combination. The toe cleavage is the cherry on the top of this wonderful dessert.
This is the second installment of Victoria Beckham week here. She's decked out all in blue for this event from several months ago. And once again, the toe cleavage is mighty fine.
I'm closing out 2008 with the gal who has probably done more for toe cleavage fans than any other single lady out there. Ms. Victoria Beckham. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but I've amassed a pool of her photos that have not yet been shown here. So this week is dedicated to her. Long live the Queen !!!
As much as I'd like to see a white Christmas this year, it's not going to be brought by this kind of snow. Brittany Snow that is. Toe cleavage (or should I call this Snow toe cleavage?) is why she's here. Thanks, Brittany, for the holiday cheer. Let it Snow, let it Snow, let it Snow.....
This is a gal who I've not known about previously. Her name is Marley Shelton. Apparently, she's on the TV show "Eleventh Hour". At first glance, the shoes she's wearing in four of the shots below look pretty ugly. On second glance, they show off some really nice toe cleavage. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt that she knew what she was doing when she picked these puppies out.
I can't believe that 402 posts into this thing, and I've never featured Eva Mendes. Well, I'm trying to make up for that blunder in a big way today. Here she is at a number of different events, all in toe cleavage footwear. Quite lovely.